Gwybodaeth Rhieni / Parents’ Info

Please click on the link below to access our Curriculum Design Rationale.




Please click on the link below to read our governor’s report to parents.

Governors Annual Report to Parents 2020

The new Literacy and Numeracy Framework for Wales

The Minister for Education and Skills has made raising standards of literacy and numeracy in schools a priority. In his keynote address ‘Raising Schools Standards’ on 29 June 2011, to the Institute of Welsh Affairs, he announced the intention to introduce a new National Literacy and Numeracy Framework (LNF) for all learners aged 5 to 14. This framework became statutory in every school from September 2013.

Literacy and Numeracy skills are absolutely essential in order for young people to reach their potential whether they are planning to enter further or higher education or the employment market. The National Literacy Programme and the National Numeracy Programme set out the actions the Welsh Government intends to implement to improve literacy and numeracy standards in Wales. The plans for a statutory national framework and for a system of national testing are integral to both programmes.

The National Literacy and Numeracy Framework (LNF) has been developed to help children in Wales to develop a range of literacy and numeracy skills during their time at school. It has also been developed as a curriculum planning tool for schools that will provide a continuum of development, clearly setting out annual expected outcomes in Literacy and Numeracy.

Brynteg C P School currently has curriculum planning arrangements already in place and these have already been adapted to support cross-curricular planning using the Literacy and Numeracy Framework.

Structure of the LNF

The LNF describes in detail the skills that we expect children and young people to acquire and master from ages 5 to 14. It has two components – literacy and numeracy. These are divided into the following strands.

Within literacy we expect children and young people to become accomplished in:

  • Oracy across the curriculum
  • Reading across the curriculum
  • Writing across the curriculum

If you require any more information on this please click on the link:

How you can help at home?


  • Let your child see you reading and writing for a purpose:
  • Write shopping lists together.
  • Read letters from the school together.
  • Read letters together e.g. from the council.
  • Help your child to write or e-mail thank you letters, invitations or birthday cards.
  • Talk about each page of the school reading book.



  • Pocket money spending, all ages.
  • Child bank statements
  • Sales
  • Y4: determine what can be bought within a given budget
  • Y5: plan and track money and savings by keeping accurate records
  • Y6:Make comparisons between prices and understand which is best value for money
  • Y6: understand the advantages and disadvantages of using bank accounts


  • Starting in year one, seasons and o’clock times
  • By Y3, tell the time on any clock
  • By Y6, ‘use and interpret timetables and schedules to plan events and activities and make calculations as part of the planning process’


Cooking is a great way to practice numeracy!

  • Let your child see the recipe – or estimate what is needed.
  • Weighing out the ingredients – use grams and kilograms, not pounds and ounces for infants! By Y6, your child should be able to use conversion tables.
  • By Y6, your child should know that 1.3kg is the same as 1kg 300g.

Times tables

  • You probably use times tables every day. When you are working things out (like the price of 3 packets), make sure the child understands that you are using tables.

School Uniform and P.E. kits – Tesco online uniform

You are now able to purchase our school uniform, with logos, online from Tesco.  Our polo shirts are changing in colour from white to sky blue.  If you already have white polo shirts, please use these before buying any more.