Healthy Schools

The Welsh Network of Healthy School Schemes was launched in 1999 following a four year pilot programme as part of WHO/EC/CoE initiative – European Network of Health Promoting Schools 1992.

The ‘Healthy School’ is one which takes responsibility for maintaining and promoting the health of all who ‘learn, work, play and live’ within it not only by formally teaching pupils about how to lead healthy lives but by enabling pupils and staff to take control over aspects of the school environment which influence their health.

It actively promotes, protects and embeds the physical, mental and social health and well being of its community through positive action.

This can be achieved by policy, strategic planning and staff development about its curriculum, ethos, physical environment and community relations.

Healthy Snacks

As part of the work we do on promoting a healthy lifestyle it is school policy for all snacks which are brought into school for playtimes to be either a piece of fruit or drink of water. Free milk is available for all foundation phase pupils. We have a tuck shop which sells a range of fruit and water. Children are encouraged to label their bottles with their names and fill up their bottles from the water cooler in the school hall.

Smoke Free School

Our school is a smokefree areas and smoking of cigarettes and e-cigarettes is not allowed on the school grounds.

School Absence

If your child is unwell and not able to attend school we ask all parents to phone school first thing on the morning of their absence.

Medical Issues

Please let us know any helpful medical information about your child e.g. allergies or special dietary requirements. If possible please let us know beforehand of appointments with the hospital, doctor or dentist. If an appointment involves your child leaving school during the day, please arrange to meet him / her from school, as we discourage children going home on their own during the day for reasons of personal safety.

Please let us know of situations or circumstances at home or in the family that may affect your child’s behaviour or work in school.

If a child is ill at school parents will be contacted to take him/ her home. If this is not possible the child will be made comfortable in school until parents are contacted. If both parents are away from home during the day, and emergency telephone number must be made available to the school.